Members of the final selection comission

Ian Hollingworth

Captain SFI 777 787,

Cranfield University representative

Keith Wardle

Vice President Engineering &Maintenance, Air Astana

Ruslan Shayakhmetov

Senior Maintenance Manager, Air Astana

Anarbek Utegulov

Director of Business Incubator, Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation and Innovation System
Head, ABC Incubation – business incubation program for start-ups at the early stage

Zhanar Zhaksylykova

General Manager, Project Management Department, Samruk-Kazyna Trust

Members of the regional selection commission

Ian Hollingworth

Captain SFI 777 787,

Cranfield University representative

Keith Wardle

Vice President Engineering &Maintenance, Air Astana

Ruslan Shayakhmetov

Senior Maintenance Manager, Air Astana

Anastassiya Mamlyutova

Coordinator for international cooperation of the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy

Organizers and sponsors